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Go Green with the Library: Carpooling, Walking & Biking

Take the chance to enjoy the summer weather before it’s gone by walking or biking to work, home, pedestrians-918471_1280or just around town for errands. If you’re not a fan of the hot and humid temperatures, you can still carpool with friends and coworkers. No matter if you carpool, walk, or bike, you can save energy, money and decrease pollution.

This month, we’ll break down some of the best resources to help you safely walk, bike, and carpool.

Green Living Ideas is a good place to start learning more about carpooling. Their website provides a list of Smartphone carpool apps to help you stay safe. Their article has just been updated this summer to include the newest apps.

Some businesses provide perks if employees carpool, walk or bike to work. Ask your supervisor or manager to see if there are any incentives already in place.

Several websites provide articles on the benefits of walking and biking. Here are a few benefits they discuss.




The Library has several books to help you make simple changes to go greener. You can place these books on hold and pick up at any of our Lackawanna County Libraries.

Find more Go Green with the Library articles by searching “Go Green” in the search box above.

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