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October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October 1, 2023

For almost 40 years, the United States has recognized the month of October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

It is estimated that every day over 700 women are diagnosed with breast cancer, with 1 in 8 women diagnosed during her lifetime. This month can be observed differently by different people: some wear pink to celebrate, some quietly observe the month, some experience grief, and some feel unseen or misunderstood in their struggles with the disease. Breast Cancer Awareness Month is an effort to normalize all these experiences, to spread awareness about early detection and quality care, and to understand that the impacts of this disease extend well beyond one month a year.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, many may have delayed regular screening visits, research efforts were disrupted as medical professionals responded, and inequities in treatment were heightened to new levels. For these reasons, the Susan G. Komen Foundation wants October to be seen as a time for action. They encourage regular, scheduled screenings for women over 40 and talking to a doctor or health care professionals about family history, what constitutes normal health, and possible early detection. The Foundation also has resources for leading a healthier lifestyle and offers a helpline for patients, survivors, caregivers, and individuals who have questions or need someone to talk to. The Susan G. Komen Foundation also has an annual Race for the Cure across the U.S. to raise funds benefitting breast cancer research.

The National Breast Cancer Foundation hopes to provide a community for those experiencing breast cancer so that no person has to feel alone or feel like another statistic. They have created a calendar for the month of October with one activity or action to take each day to foster this sense of belonging and to connect with others. Their website also provides free resources about breast cancer, including information about the different types of disease and answers to myths and frequently asked questions.

In Pennsylvania, the PA Breast Cancer Coalition is celebrating their 30-year anniversary in 2023, and will be holding a conference on Tuesday, October 17, 2023. They regularly offer care packages to patients and spotlight stories from survivors and patients as well as any legislative news in the Commonwealth.

Looking for more resources or Breast Cancer Awareness Month events in the local community? Contact the Library or stop in this October!