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Educational (PK-12th Grade) Outreach Collection Application

  1. Who qualifies for a collection? 

Public and private schools, homeschoolers, cyber school students, and educators with students ages 0-12. Daycares and similar organizations that service children 0-12, but do not follow an academic calendar.

  1. How do we get started and how do we choose what we want for the collection? 

Fill out the form below or print the PDF and mail it to the library.

3. How can we get the collection to our location? 

 A library van will deliver the collection to the location you specify on an agreed upon delivery date, or you pick them up at the Lackawanna County Children’s Library. 

4. Is there a due date? 

Yes, the materials are checked out for 4 weeks but may be renewed up to 8 weeks.   

5. What are our responsibilities regarding the items in the collection? 

The items will be checked out on a Lackawanna County Library System library card. This can be assigned to your school, daycare, organization or entity. For homeschoolers and educators in some school districts or private schools, the card can be assigned to you as an individual. The card assignee is responsible for returning materials by the due date or making alternate arrangements with the library. Items, upon return, should be clean and free of damage. If the collection is being picked up by a library van, please gather the items together and place them in a location accessible to the driver. The library, at its discretion, may charge the assignee fines or fees for unreturned or damaged items.

6. What if I have questions? 

PK-6th grade contact Arlene Van Wert or call 570-348-3000 ext. 3015.  

7th-12th grade contact Tricia Cruise or call 570-348-3000 ext. 3035.

Educational (PK-12th Grade) Outreach Collection Agreement Application

School/Daycare Address:(Required)

Teacher Information

Teacher's Name:(Required)
Leave blank if you are open all year.

Daycares only:

If you are filling this out for a school, skip this section, and continue to Agreement section.
Director's Name