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Go Green with the Library: Spring Clean

spring cleanIt may still be March, but now is a great time to think Spring! As winter (hopefully) winds down, there are a few spring cleaning ideas you can do early to get a head start on cleaning your home. has helpful tips to make your spring clean greener. Here are a few ideas they offer:

  • Sort through your winter clothes. What sweaters have stayed in your closet unworn? Not only can you make room in your closet, but you can donate any lightly worn winter clothes to several consignment shops, Goodwill, or Salvation Army stores.
  • Open your windows. Let the fresh air in! Letting fresh air into your home can help create ventilation that may be missing during the winter months.
  • Clean your windows with a simple solution of vinegar and water. Add 2 teaspoons of vinegar to one quart of warm water in a spray bottle. Spray the solution on your windows to get rid of fingerprints and grease stains that may have built up over winter.
  • Use Baking Soda as a natural deodorizer and cleaner. Before you vacuum, sprinkle baking soda on any carpet and let it sit for a few minutes. When you vacuum the carpet, the baking soda will leave your rug looking and smelling clean.
  • Flip your mattress. You can use baking soda on your mattress to get out any unwanted smells and absorb oils.

The Library also has books and DVDs on how to make your home greener. Here are a few you can borrow from the library today:

COMING SOON: During the month of April, the Library will be supporting Earth Day with a display focusing on items that are reusable. Help us say no to disposables and yes to reusable items! You can visit the display throughout the entire month.

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