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Scranton Fringe Festival @ the Lackawanna County Children’s Library

Scranton Fringe Festival @ the Lackawanna County Children’s Library

September 7, 2016

fringe-festivalFor the second year the Lackawanna County Children’s Library is pleased to be a Scranton Fringe Festival venue. The Children’s Library will host four performances FREE to the public.

Friday September 30th @ 6PM C’era Una Volta: Folktales From Italy                     Saturday October 1st 1PM

520 Vine Street Scranton PA

570-348-3000 ext 3015

“C’era una volta” is a selection from a collection of folktales that were archived by folklorists at the Centro di Documentazione della Tradizione Orale in Turin Italy. These folktales were gathered by interviewing the “anziani”, elderly citizens who were known as the keepers and guardians of the towns history.  Also folktales from Scranton’s sister city, Giuardia dei Lombardi have been translated and never been publicly told in the United States. Join us at the library for a visit to the old country. Registration is not needed.  For further information call  the library at 570348-3000 ext. 3015 or go to http://Scranton Fringe Festival.