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Research Project? Turn to Gale Virtual Reference Library

Research Project? Turn to Gale Virtual Reference Library

September 11, 2018

Before turning to Google, start your research at Gale Virtual Reference Library. This FREE encyclopedic online resource provides reliable and reputable sources for information. 

The Reference Library is categorized into 9 subject areas, each with their own digital encyclopedias. It also includes citation tools for you to give proper credit to your sources at the end of your research projects.

Business – investment research, global markets, e-commerce, and social media marketing.

Environment – alternative energy sources.

General Reference – digital photography, growing fruits and vegetables, etc.

History – U.S. government, political scene, an overview of wars fought in American history.

Law – U.S. government and pertaining laws.

Literature – Critical overviews of most popular plays, novels, and poetry.

Medicine – Overview of diseases and disorders.

Nation & World – Emerging markets and industrialization around the world.

Science – alternative energy sources.

You can access Gale Virtual Reference Library for FREE with your LCLS library card. Get started at