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Lackawanna Historical Society will feature Military Themed Lectures this March

Lackawanna Historical Society will feature Military Themed Lectures this March

March 11, 2019

The Lackawanna Historical Society will host two public lecture programs in March, both covering military topics.

On Tuesday, March 19, Robert Hanrahan will speak about the Civil War “River War,” the various military campaigns on the Mississippi River. The Mississippi was a vital highway for troops and supplies, and both the Union and Confederate navies fought for control of the waterway and its access points. This program is part of the Civil War Roundtable and will begin at 7 pm at the Society’s headquarters, the Catlin House, 232 Monroe Avenue, Scranton.

On Sunday, March 24 at 2 pm author and historian Mary Beth Voda will present “A War in Letters,” a unique program about the Battle of Iwo Jima. Voda tells the story of the battle using letters sent home to wives and families from two combatants – her father, U.S. Marine Pfc. Tom Kennedy and the Japanese commander of the island, Gen. T. Kuribayashi. Drawing on the personal letters of her parents, who were raised in Wilkes-Barre, and the published correspondence of Gen. Kuribayashi, Voda illustrates that although oceans apart in ideology and culture, these men shared a common love of family and sense of duty to country. Voda’s work has been published in American History, Pennsylvania Heritage, Pennsylvania, Susquehanna Life, Happenings, Military Officer, WWII Chronicles and other publications.  Join us for a fascinating look at both sides of World War II!

For more information or to make a reservation, contact the Lackawanna Historical Society at 570-344-3841 or email