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Help Ronald McDonald House Serve Families of Sick Children

August Library Collection

Having a child in the hospital is a challenge for any family, but when treatment is prolonged and parents must travel a distance from home to be with their child, the financial burden can be crushing. Since 1986, the Ronald McDonald House in Scranton has been offering a no-charge home away from home to help families offer their seriously ill or injured children comfort while they stay in local hospitals.

During the month of August, Lackawanna County libraries will be helping the Ronald McDonald House by collecting supplies it needs to serve its guests.

You can be a donor by dropping any of these items off at a library: paper plates, paper cereal bowls, freezer bags,  plastic silverware, dish detergent, pot scrubbers, trash bags, window cleaner, Febreze Disinfectant Spray, furniture polish, Mr. Clean Magic Erasers, fabric softeners, Oxi-Clean, laundry detergent, lint rollers, and stain remover.

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