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Bodhi Day, December 8th

Bodhi Day, December 8th

December 7, 2020

Bodhi Day is a Buddhist holiday celebrated on the 8th day of the 12th lunar month of the Chinese calendar or December 8th in Japan.  Bodhi Day celebrates the day the historical buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, experienced enlightenment.  Bodhi day is celebrated in Mahayana traditions of Buddhism, Zen, and Pureland Buddhist schools of China, Korea, Japan, and Vietnam.

The library has a wealth of resources to learn more about Buddhism and Siddhartha Gautama.

Videos available for free streaming via Kanopy:

Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse

Hermann Hesse wrote Siddhartha after he traveled to India in the 1910s. It tells the story of a young boy who travels the country in a quest for spiritual enlightenment in the time of Guatama Buddha. It is a compact, lyrical work, which reads like an allegory about the finding of wisdom.

Buddha, The Word by Nyanatiloka

Buddha, The Word discusses the teachings of Guatama Buddha. The Four Noble Truths teach that suffering is inherent in life, but that through acknowledging the origins of suffering and following the Eightfold Path, suffering can be ceased. The Eightfold path teaches how understanding, thought, speech, action, livelihood, effort, mindfulness and concentration can all be undertaken with rightness.

The Life of Buddha and Its Lessons by Henry Steel Olcott

The Life of Buddha and Its Lessons is a short pamphlet by Henry Steel Olcott. It was first published in 1912 as number fifteen in the series of Adyar Pamphlets released by the Theosophical Publishing House.

The Energy of Prayer: How to Deepen Your Spiritual Practice by Thich Nhat Hanh

In The Energy of Prayer Thich Nhat Hanh looks at the applications and effectiveness of prayer in Buddhist and other spiritual traditions and closely examines the question of why we pray. The Energy of Prayer introduces the reader to several meditation methods that re-envision prayer as an open, inclusive, and accessible practice that helps create healthy lives through the power of awareness and intention.


Print Materials in the Catalog


Buddha by Demi

A biography of Siddhartha, known as Gautama Buddha.

Buddha by Susan L. Roth

“Leaving the palace where he had been sheltered from a prediction that destined him to be a holy man, Prince Siddhartha sees for the first time the suffering in the world, and begins the journey that transforms him into the Buddha.”

Buddha : his life and teachings by Osho

“An authority on the world’s spiritual traditions, Osho was celebrated for his unique ability to refresh ancient wisdoms for a contemporary audience. Here he takes the reader on an exciting journey into the life and world of Prince Gautam Siddhartha, who became the Buddha. Like a great storyteller, Osho explains the Buddha’s teachings through life stories and anecdotes that demonstrate how these teachings arose from Buddha’s own experiences. Lively and lifelike, with unconventional wit and deep wisdom he guides the reader step by step through the secrets and subtleties of the “world religion without God,” as only a true spiritual teacher can. Stunning color photographs throughout the book, along with Osho’s inspiring insights, reveal the inner quality of Buddha’s spirituality, leading the reader to a new understanding of his timeless message.”

Siddhārtha’s brain : unlocking the ancient science of enlightenment by James Kingsland

“Looks at the science behind the ancient practices of Buddhism through the story of the spiritual life and teachings of Siddhartha, the man who would become the Buddha, and how his discoveries anticipated the findings of modern neuroscience.”


What is Buddhism?

With more than 300 million followers worldwide, Buddhists follow a path towards enlightenment in what is as much a religion, as it is a way of life. A Buddhist Monk attempts to quieten host Tevya’s mind, but first – a celebration. It’s Buddha’s birthday and Tevya is in for a food-fight while meeting “The Hungry Ghosts”.

The Buddha: the story of Siddhartha

This documentary tells the story of the Buddha’s life, a journey especially relevant to our own bewildering times of violent change and spiritual confusion. It features the work of some of the world’s greatest artists and sculptors, who across two millennia, have depicted the Buddha’s life in art rich in beauty and complexity.

In the Footsteps of Buddha: The Path to Buddha’s Enlightenment

A journey across India walking in the same path that lead to Buddha’s enlightenment. Siddhartha Guatama lived 2500 years ago in an ancient land called Maghada, known today as Bihar, the poorest state in India. He was born in Lumbini (Nepal today) into a noble family. At the age of twenty-nine he renounced all wealth and as a homeless wanderer, set out to seek the nature of our existence. To seek the truth.

For six years he would wander as a homeless Shramana or spiritual seeker. In summer the dust would blind his eyes and fill his nostrils. In the monsoon season, the mud would cake his bare feet. Breaking his journey only for meditation. Going deeper and deeper as he explored his sub-conscious until finally, as he meditated under a tree through the night, he broke free of attachment and suffering. “I am free from desire. Free from ignorance. Free from the taint of being, said Siddhartha. “I was asleep but now I am awake in reality. In Nirvana.” When he got up he was the Buddha. The Awakened.

Today pilgrims from around the world undertake the same journey as the Buddha on a specially commissioned train, the Mahaparinirvan Express, that will follow in his footsteps from birth to enlightenment to teaching and to his death.

Stories of the Buddha 

Episode 21 of Great Mythologies of the World

According to Professor McClymond, it’s best to understand the mythology of Buddhism as a grand anthology of short stories. With this in mind, explore the life and beliefs of the Buddha, ponder the teachings of Buddhist myth as told through its stories, and examine stories that pit Buddhism against other religious traditions.