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A Gold Star Library

A Gold Star Library

July 6, 2017

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Celebrate with us: the Abington Community Library has become the first library in Lackawanna County to become a PA Forward Gold Star Library! Be on the lookout for more information about what this means and how it matters to you. Also, join us on Wednesday, August 2 for a piece of cake in the afternoon beginning at 1PM to commemorate this accomplishment.

In the meantime, ever wonder why we have PA Forward logo on all our promotional materials? Find out more about the five literacies: Basic, Civic & Social, Information, Financial, and Health here. Every day, the Abington Community Library provides you with the free tools and resources necessary for you to get the best information on topics you care about. Printed materials, special events and classes, and online databases reinforce our commitment to lifelong learning. We are thankful to you, our community, for your support!