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Books on My Library Card At the Moment

Books on My Library Card At the Moment

March 29, 2018

Here’s a sneak peek at the books I’m reading at the moment and what I have on hold!

Items Checked Out

Happiness Is A Choice You Make: Lessons From A Year Among the Oldest Old by John Leland. I heard Terry Gross do an interview with Leland and instantly knew I wanted to read the book. At the same time, my co-worker Linda was already reading it and independently recommended it to me. I’m about three chapters in and am already struck by the frankness of Leland’s interviewees and his thoughtful portrayal of what it means to age.

A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes by Stephen Hawking. I’m embarrassed to say for as much of a space buff/nerd/enthusiast/obsessive as I am, I never got around to reading this when I was in high school or college. Now that Hawking has passed away, I am ready to dive in and absorb his brilliance.

Current Items on Hold

This Will Be My Undoing: Living At the Intersection of Black, Female, and Feminist In (White) America by Morgan Jerkins. One of my most anticipated books for this year. I am so excited to read it!

Artemis by Andy Weir. Remember how I said I am a huge space nerd? I really meant it. I enjoyed Weir’s The Martian and put his newest book on hold the minute I knew it was out. I’ve heard some mixed reviews about it, so I’m ready to read it and form my own opinions.

An American Marriage by Tayari Jones. Recommended to me by Mary Garm, our Library System Administrator, for the upcoming podcast episode of Lexivore (listen to episodes one and two of Lexivore here). The podcast will partly focus on books written in letter form and Mary was quick to suggest this one. Listen in May to hear what Mary and I thought about it!

Educated by Tara Westover. I don’t remember how I first heard about this book, so I can’t give you a cute little anecdote. But I can give you a snippet of what it’s about: “An unforgettable memoir about a young girl who, kept out of school, leaves her survivalist family and goes on to earn a PhD from Cambridge University” (via the NYT).

Children of Exile by Margaret Peterson Haddix. I host a Teen Reading Lounge once a month for teens in grades 5-12. We read a book beforehand and then get together to chat about it, while eating snacks and then completing a corresponding activity/art project. It is one of my favorite programs. If you have a teen, have him/her join! Children of Exile is my book for March.

Frankenthaler by John Elderfield. If I’m not at a library, I’m usually at an art museum, so this past weekend when I was wandering around the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, I whipped my phone out and placed a hold on this book while standing in-front of one of Helen Frankenthaler’s huge canvases. I’m incredibly excited to get my hands on this book!

The Body Project: An Intimate History of American Girls by Joan Jacobs Brumberg. A friend of mine is a local professor and teaches a class about women’s history in America. When I heard this, I asked for her syllabus and dove in. The Body Project piqued my interest immediately. Having read Girls & Sex by Peggy Orenstein (highly recommend) and Queen Bees and Wannabees: Helping Your Daughter Survive Cliques, Gossip, Boyfriends, and the New Realities of Girl World by Rosalind Wiseman (this is the book that inspired Tina Fey to create ‘Mean Girls’), The Body Project is right up my alley. Since I can’t take my friend’s class, reading all the books on her syllabus seems like the next best thing.

As a side-note, you can see how varied and eclectic my tastes are and yet, in every single case, I was able to place a hold on a book related to my interest. I am forever grateful that libraries exist and that I am able to take advantage of our especially excellent system! What books are on your library card right now?