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Upcoming “Conversations Matter” Programs for Adults

Upcoming “Conversations Matter” Programs for Adults

August 7, 2020

Join us for a new series which explores current events and promotes discussion and change in our community. Our second program will focus on “Mental Health: Keeping Yourself Together Physically, Mentally, and Emotionally” and ways to care for your inner self during this turbulent time. Scott Constantini and Dr. Colleen Brown from The Wright Center will facilitate this discussion. Email to register for this important conversation. Thursday, August 13 from 7-8 PM on Zoom.

Join us for a new series which explores current events and promotes discussion and change in our community. Our third program will focus on “Life After 70” and ways to stay engaged with friends and be active mentally and physically later in life. Dr. William Dempsey from The Wright Center will facilitate this discussion. Email to register for this important conversation. Monday, August 17 from 7-8 PM on Zoom.