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Explore the Galaxy @ your Library
Explore the Galaxy @ your Library
January 8, 2016

Explore the Galaxy @ the Lackawanna County Children’s Library in this year’s Winter Reading Club!
Sign up starts Monday, January 11th for ages birth through 6th grade!
Participating in the Winter Reading Club is easy!
- Fill out a quick form at the circulation desk at the Lackawanna County Children’s Library.
- Write your name on a paper Millennium Falcon and hang it on the Winter Reading Club Wall!
- Receive a Bingo Reading Log, a free game of bowling pass, a cool bookmark, and a sticker!
- Complete 5 tasks in a row or diagonally on your Bingo Reading Log. Cross out each box after you finish the task and bring your card to us. You’ll then receive a toy from our display case!
- Remember to write down your favorite books on the reverse side of your Log.
- For every following bingo, you’ll be entered into the Winter Reading Club Raffle for your chance to win a gift card to Toys ‘R Us!
- Hand in your log by February 26th!