Feel the Burn! InBody570: The Body Composition Analysis
April 18, 2019
Register today for another InBody570: The Body Composition Analysis (fees apply, see below). If you came to the program in January, here’s another chance to see how you’re progressing! Join us on Saturday, May 4, between 11AM-3PM to learn all about your body. If you’ve never had the scan, now’s your chance! Find out ways to get healthier this year – it’s not too late!
-Percent Body Fat (gauge your health!)
-Segmental Lean Analysis (how much muscle do you have?)
-Segmental Fat Analysis (how is your body fat mass distributed?)
-Body Water Analysis (are you dehydrated?)
-Visceral Fat Level (fat content surrounding your organs?)
-Basal Metabolic Rate (optimal amount of calories to maintain/lose/gain?)
-Body Composition History (start keeping track now!)
All of this analysis, plus a ten-minute consultation discussing your results, for $20.
For more information, contact Altitude Nutrition & Exercise Consulting: 570-445-8565. Call and register at the Library: 570-587-3440.