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Festival of Ice Festivities @ Your Library

Festival of Ice Festivities @ Your Library

February 1, 2018

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Celebrate the Wizarding World of Ice in this year’s Clarks Summit Festival of Ice over Presidents’ Day weekend, February 16-19. Come and see the Abington Community Library’s ice sculpture…one of the most beloved characters from the Harry Potter books!

Here are a few of the Library’s Potter-themed events surrounding the Festival. Registration is required for all events unless otherwise indicated.

Intergenerational Book Club. Monday, Feb. 12, 7-8PM. Come and discuss Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, as well as the various themes and characters in the entire series. All ages welcome. Snacks will be served.

Kickin’ It Tuesday: Curses and Love Potions. Tuesday, Feb. 13, 7-8PM. Grades 9-12, do you love or hate Valentine’s Day? Discover your perfect curse or love potion!

Half Blood Prince Blood Drive. Friday, Feb. 16, 3-7PM. Do good here in your own community and participate in a blood drive at the Library! Sign up for your appointment today by stopping by or going online,

Care of Magical Creatures. Friday, Feb. 16, 5-7:30PM (Drop-in). Families, bring your kids and drop by to make some “fantastic beasts” and enjoy magical treats.

Hogwarts 101. Friday, Feb. 16, 6:30-7:30PM. Grades 5-8, enjoy wand-making, snacks, potions, and more!

Harry Potter Movies. Saturday, Feb. 17, 9AM-5PM. Harry Potter movies will be shown throughout the day in the Ryon Community Room. No registration necessary. All ages welcome.