Fostering Health and Wellness Answers for Our Teens
March 29, 2016
The Lackawanna County Library System (LCLS) has a new eResource available on its website, Rosen Digital’s Teen Health and Wellness: real life * real answers. This valuable resource can be found at Topics within the database include diseases, drugs and alcohol, nutrition, mental health, suicide and bullying, green living, LGBTQ issues, and more.
A one-year subscription was purchased by Tom and Betty Moreken through The Erin Jessica Moreken Drug & Alcohol Treatment Fund, Inc. This fund was established in 2002 in memory of their daughter Erin, who died at the age of 28 following a drug overdose. The Fund helps to provide charitable gifts to qualified individuals, organizations, and families whose members have been impacted directly or indirectly by the disease of addiction. They offer scholarships, aid, and drug and alcohol educational programs to a variety of worthy individuals and groups in our community. The Moreken Family has donated to the LCLS for many years and was thrilled to find out that this eResource is available to anyone with a LCLS library card.
The Moreken Family hopes this database helps teens, young adults, and their families research and obtain quality resources and credible information available on a variety of topics. The database is meant to be a proactive and preventative resource to begin a conversation with teens and young adults.
Thank you to the Moreken Family and The Erin Jessica Moreken Drug & Alcohol Treatment Fund, Inc. for providing this valuable resource to our community.