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Go Green with the Library: Holiday Guide

Go Green with the Library: Holiday Guide

December 9, 2016

gift-1760869_1280Pull up a chair, grab some hot cocoa, and go green this holiday season with these simple tips and tricks!

Think Digital

Holiday eCards

Addressing 100’s of holiday cards for your family and friends can become quite a hassle and time consuming. Save your stamps and skip the drama this year by creating your own digital holiday eCard that can be sent to everyone on your list through email.

There are several websites that offer free electronic cards, but you can also find websites that offer animated eCards with personalization for a subscription fee.

Free eCard websites: (Paid upgrade available) (for Colonial Williamsburg themed cards) (downloadable eCard program for computers)

Subscription eCard websites: (free trial available)

eGift Cards

You can also reduce waste by purchasing electronic gift cards. An electronic gift card can be immediately sent to the receiver once you pay. PayPal makes it convenient to purchase gift cards for many businesses, but you can also visit stores and restaurants online to see if they offer an eGift Card.

Think Recycled

Wrapping Paper

If you look closely on many wrapping paper brands, it will tell you if it is made out of recycled paper. Usually, this type of paper can be recycled again once all the gifts are unwrapped! Most wrapping paper, even if it is not already made out of recycled paper, is recyclable, but be careful. If there is ribbon or anything other than paper used to make the wrapping paper, it cannot be recycled.

Old or Broken Ornaments

Unfortunately, many glass ornaments cannot be recycled because they can harm sanitation workers. There are usually several chemicals used on glass ornaments to give them their shine, which also prohibits them from being recycled. But if you are feeling creative and are comfortable touching the broken ornaments’ edges, you can create several DIY projects that use old or broken ornaments to create a new holiday decoration.  Check out this upcycled ornament wreath or this broken ornament turned into a new ornament for more ideas!

Think LEDs

Holiday Lights

Most of us shudder at the thought of our electricity bills during the holiday season, but there are many stores that sell LED holiday lights to help you cut down on energy costs.

You can buy holiday LED lights at most home improvement or large grocery stores. Some of the common LED brands include:


Looking for more ways to go green? Search the “Go Green” tag in the search box at the top of the page.