Harry Potter Scores High in Lackawanna County
July 3, 2018
Facebook Poll Reports 89% Love Him
Kristen Wallo of Valley Community Library staff was happy to see that Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J. K. Rowling is on the list of 100 best loved books for PBS’s The Great American Read, so she decided to find out if library patrons agreed with her love of the entire Potter series by launching a Facebook poll.
“I first began reading it when I was in the fifth grade, and have re-read the entire series countless times since,” she said a post accompanying the poll.
“They are a great read for all ages,” she added.
She also recommends listening to the series on audio books. They are available on our website and on CD at any Lackawanna County Library.
“Listening almost makes the characters come alive and the experience is much more magical,” she concluded.
Kristen’s poll found that 89 percent of respondents agree with her and only 11 percent did not. #GreatReadLackawanna.