Homeschooling Resources
August 12, 2020
Did you miss our Homeschool Q&A Session on August 7? Never fear, we have some resources for you if you are interested in homeschooling this fall.
Our moderator for the program, Abigail Zieger, has a homeschool blog, Check that out for helpful posts including a series, “How to Start Homeschooling.”
Local homeschool evaluator and panelist for our session Darlene Catlett has a thorough and informative website, Find posts like, “10 Things Every Homeschooler Should Know,” “Checklist for Beginning Homeschooling,” and “When Do I Need to File an Affadavit?”
For more on homeschool law, head to
For help with homeschooling with special needs, check out Homeschool Inspirational Support, SPED Homeschool, and Different by Design.
For curriculum reviews, try Rainbow Resource or Cathy Duffy Reviews.
To find local homeschool groups, go to
Working and homeschooling? Try the Facebook group, Working Homeschool Mom Club.
Finally, see a list of compiled resources on our library system website at Home/Cyber School Resources.