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My Lists

My Lists is a great feature to help you keep track of books you want to read, are using for a homework assignment or want to share with friends.

Create New Lists

1) Log in to your account in the OPAC.
2) Click on My Lists in the upper right hand corner.
3) Type the name of your list and an optional description. Decide if you want it to be able to share your list by selecting Yes or No and click Submit.

Saving Items to your Lists

1) Log in to your account in the OPAC.
2) Search for titles.
3) Choose a title to add to your list. Click Add to My List.
4) Select the name of the list you want to save your title to.

Sharing your Lists

1) Log in to your account in the OPAC.
2) Click on My Lists in the upper right hand corner.
3). If your lists is ready to share, click on the HTML View link for a display of your list.
4) If is not set to share, click on the Share button next to the title of your list and then  click on the HTML View link for a display of your list.