Home / National Library Week
National Library Week
April 3, 2017

National Library Week begins on April 9 and it will be a great week to visit and find out about all the great things happening at the Abington Community Library! Check out the tables set up that showcase the five library literacies…basic, information, civic and social, health, and financial. Join us for a multitude of programs happening next week for all ages…from PlayK and Read to Dogs for children to book clubs, Scrabble, and Kaffeeklatsch for adults, plus lots more. Don’t miss this opportunity to find out all that the library has to offer! And while you are there, consider a donation to #nepamatchday to benefit the Library.
Scranton Area Foundation’s #nepamatchday collective includes:
- Abington Community LibraryGive here!
AFA GalleryGive here!
3. Alzheimer’s Association Give here!
4. Boys & Girls Clubs of NEPA Give here!
5. Children’s Advocacy Center of NEPA Give here!
6. Dress for Success Lackawanna Give here!
7. Greater Carbondale YMCA Give here!
8. Greater Scranton YMCA Give here!
9. Indraloka Animal Sanctuary Give here!
10. Jewish Family Service of NEPA Give here!
11. Lacawac Sanctuary Field Station and Environmental Education Center Give here!
12. Lackawanna Historical Society Give here!
13. Make-a-Wish Greater PA & WV Give here!
14. Marley’s Mission Give here!
15. Maternal & Family Health Services Give here!
16. Meals on Wheels of NEPA Give here!
17. Northeast Regional Cancer Institute Give here!
18. Scranton Cultural Center Give here!
19. Scranton Fringe Festival Give here!
20. The Arc of Northeastern Pennsylvania Give here!
21. The Greenhouse Project Give here!
22. United Neighborhood Centers Give here!
23. Valley Community Library Give here!
24. West Scranton Hyde Park Neighborhood Watch Give here!
25. Women’s Resource Center Give here!