New Catalog Goes Live
March 26, 2015
New Features, Faster Log-In Among Improvements
The Lackawanna County Library System’s new and improved catalog is live after months of work. Regular catalog users will notice little change in what they need to do to find a book, DVD, CD, or audiobook.
The big difference for patrons is the option to create their own customized user name and password. This feature will be particularly appreciated by mobile device users since it will be easier than entering the 14 digit library card number followed by a four digit PIN currently required.
Called “SPARK,” the new catalog was developed in a collaborative, statewide effort to provide Pennsylvania libraries with an integrated system for public, school and special libraries.
Easier browsing and searching will also be noticeable, as will book suggestions, and a history of books and other material checked out over time. Users will also be able to create customized lists of books they want to read, movies they wish to see, or CDs by their favorite recording artists.
If you experience any difficulties with the new catalog, library staff will be available in person, online, and by phone to assist.