On the Same Page Book Got Rave Reviews
March 9, 2016
Free Books, Book Discussions for Landline
Landline, a novel by bestselling author Rainbow Rowell and the 2016 selection for On the Same Page in Lackawanna County, received great reviews when it was published in 2014.
Said the Chicago Tribune, it’s “a book that’s a joy from sentence to sentence, and on that intimate level [where] there’s absolutely nothing unoriginal or clichéd”.
Entertainment Weekly described it as “a summer must read,” and Library Journal gave it a starred review and said of Rowell, “reading her work feels like listening to your hilariously insightful best friend tell her best stories.”
“Landline is a book that readers will love,” said Mary Garm, Library System administrator. The main character, Georgie McCool, finds herself with a magic telephone – magic because it lets her call up the past. And Georgie desperately wants to go back to the past and fix some things. “It’s both touching and very funny,” Mrs. Garm added.
Author Rainbow Rowell will be the guest of the Library Lecture Series on Thursday, April 14 in the Scranton Cultural Center. Her lecture is at 7 p.m. Readers who sign up for On the Same Page will receive an invitation to meet her at a reception prior to the lecture.
“On the Same Page,” launched in 2008, gives people the opportunity to read and discuss a good book.
You can sign up for “On The Same Page” and receive a free copy of the book at any Lackawanna County library. Book discussions to be held at libraries throughout the county will be led by writer Stephanie Longo.