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“Open the Dialogue” : A Series Concerning Substance Abuse Awareness

“Open the Dialogue” : A Series Concerning Substance Abuse Awareness

February 19, 2018

The Gathering Place in Clarks Summit will host a four part series entitled “Open the Dialogue: A Substance Abuse Awareness Series for Caretakers of Children Grades 5-12 and Beyond”. The current opiate crisis prompted this series and with Pennsylvania holding the fourth highest rate of death in the country due to overdose (according to the CDC, 2016), the need to discuss the crisis has never been more vital. Anne Armezzani, Maureen Conahan, and Beth Florey are spearheading this project.


The four part series will cover a variety of topics and include:

Facing the Stigma and the Reality of Children’s Substance Abuse

Thursday, March 8, 2018, 7pm-9pm

Exploring the Effects of Children’s Substance Abuse on Our Families

Thursday, March 29, 2018, 7pm-8:30pm

Journeys into Recovery: Let’s Be Open

Thursday, April 19, 2018, 7pm-8:30pm

Moving Forward: Helping You Engage

Thursday, May 10, 2018, 7pm-9pm

A variety of experts will speak to the topics including:

Lackawanna County President – Judge Michael Barrasse, Clearbrook Treatment Centers – Joe Kane, The Wright Center – Scott Constantini, Pharmacist and Advocate – Thomas DePietro, Voluntary Action Center – Jeffrey Thomas, Coroner – Timothy Rowland, EOTC Family Therapist – Emily McDonald.

Tickets are available on Facebook: The Gathering Place Clarks Summit or by contacting Anne Armezzani at

This free series is held at the Gathering Place, 304 S. State Street, Clarks Summit, PA.

Special thanks to the sponsors: Bradford Recovery Center, One Point, Inc., Rotary Club of the Abingtons, the Wright Center and the Tour de Scranton 15.