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Summer Reading Club 2017!

Summer Reading Club 2017!

May 30, 2017

Summer Reading Club 2017 at the Lackawanna County Children’s Library

June 12th- August 4th

For children birth through 12 years old.

Visit the Lackawanna County Children’s Library starting June 12, 2017 to register for the reading club. And all you have to do is read and log 10 library books by August 4, 2017. Books can also be read to children who are younger.  HERE’S A TIP: Keep your receipt to make things easier!

For signing up you get: 

1. A Build a Better World book bag, a bookmark, and a temporary tattoo
2. A passport to Lackawanna County Programs
3. A ticket to Raptors Rule! Birds of Prey Show on Sunday, June 18th at 2 PM, located in-house.

After you’ve read 5 Books, bring your log to the library to your get: 

1. A Build a Better World sticker
2. Passes for free games of bowling at South Side Bowl or Idle Hour Lanes

After you’ve read 10 books, bring your log to the library to get your: 

1. A free McDonald’s Happy Meal coupon.  (For those who keep Kosher a gift certificate to National Bakery will be available. )
2. A Library drink cup
3. 10 raffle tickets for a chance to win a raffle basket
4. An invitation to our Summer Reading Club DJ Party on Monday, August 10th at 5:30 PM