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SummerQuest a Success!

SummerQuest a Success!

August 28, 2018

As we tally our final statistics and summer draws to a close, we here at the Abington Community Library are thankful for a great summer and wonderful community participation!

Over 950 children, teens, and adults registered for SummerQuest and worked through levels to receive prizes and raffle tickets. We so enjoyed hearing about the activities you did, books you read, and things you learned. The last day to turn in levels is August 31, so don’t delay…get those last few levels in!

While going through the summer surveys, we received some great comments. Here are a few!

I learned… “what a xylophone is,” “you can squeeze an egg as hard as you can and it won’t break,” “to like reading more,” “how to make sushi,” “it’s fun to work in groups,” “alligators pee when excited!”

I like to go to the library because… “we met a lot of people,” “they have so much to do,” “I like to see what activities they had,” “it benefits the whole family,” “I can get prizes,” “the library almost always has something going on!”

What was your favorite library program this summer? Disney Sing-Along, Zoomobile Visit, Reptile Show, Messy Science, Battle of the Books, Family Movie Musical, Intro to Essential Oils, Teen Reading Lounge, storytime, etc.

Best of luck to all our students going back to school soon. Don’t forget to keep visiting the library!