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Upcoming Poetry Workshop

Upcoming Poetry Workshop

July 8, 2014

PoetryWorkshopCan’t seem to finish that poem? Not sure if you need to worry about meter? Are you wondering if your poem makes sense to other people?

Join Poet Scott Thomas as he conducts a poetry workshop on Wednesday, July 23rd at 6:30 PM in the Community Room of the Lackawanna County Children’s Library.  This is a great opportunity to share and listen.  Sign up today!

Need some inspiration in preparation? Scott recommends the following books:

A poet’s glossary by Edward Hirsch

A major addition to the literature of poetry, Edward Hirsch’s sparkling new work is a compilation of forms, devices, groups, movements, isms, aesthetics, rhetorical terms, and folklore—a book that all readers, writers, teachers, and students of poetry will return to over and over.



All that remains by Brian Fanelli

Poetry collection by local poet and educator, Brian Fanelli.




The glamour of grammar : a guide to the magic and mystery of practical English by Peter Roy Clark

In this practical guide, readers will learn everything from the different parts of speech to why effective writers prefer concrete nouns and active verbs. THE GLAMOUR OF GRAMMAR gives readers all the tools they need to”live inside the language”–to take advantage of grammar to perfect their use of English, to instill meaning, and to charm through their writing. With this indispensable book, readers will come to see just how glamorous grammar can be.