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Upcoming Social Justice Book Club Meetings

Upcoming Social Justice Book Club Meetings

August 17, 2020

The Albright Memorial Library’s Social Justice Book Club has two more meetings scheduled for 2020.  All meetings will be held via the online meeting software Zoom.  Please RSVP and the connection information will be emailed to you.

Monday, September 14th at 6:30 pm

We will be discussing: Necessary Trouble: Americans In Revolt by Sarah Jaffe

Necessary Trouble is the definitive book on the movements that are poised to permanently remake American politics. We are witnessing a moment of unprecedented political turmoil and social activism. Over the last few years, we’ve seen the growth of the Tea Party, a twenty-first-century black freedom struggle with BlackLivesMatter, Occupy Wall Street, and the grassroots networks supporting presidential candidates in defiance of the traditional party elites.”

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Monday, November 9th at 6:30 pm

We will be discussing:  Selfish, shallow, and self-absorbed : sixteen writers on the decision not to have kids by Meghan Daum

“One of the main topics of cultural conversation during the last decade was the supposed fertility crisis, and whether modern women could figure out a way to have it all-a successful, demanding career and the required 2.3 children-before their biological clock stopped ticking. Now, whether it’s necessary to have it all or, perhaps more controversial, whether children are really a requirement for a fulfilling life. The idea that some women and men prefer not to have children is often met with sharp criticism and incredulity by the public and mainstream media.”

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