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Wear Red Day for American Heart Month

Wear Red Day for American Heart Month

January 31, 2018

January 31, 2018

The month of February kicks off American Heart Month.

On February 2, help support Women’s Heart Health by participating in Wear Red Day. Simply wear a red shirt, blouse, or pin to raise awareness of the impact Heart Disease has on many women and their families.

Libraries are a great tool to use when understanding more about Heart Disease and living a healthy lifestyle.

For lighter reading, check out Men’s and Women’s Health Magazines or browse hearth-healthy recipes from the library’s cookbook collection. Click on the images below to be redirected to the library’s online catalog.

WebMD Women’s Health Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease Cookbook

To further understand more about the impact Heart Disease and general health literacy has on our community, check out some of these titles from the Bookmobile.

American Medical Association’s Guide to Preventing & Treating Heart Disease

The Plant Paradox: the Hidden Dangers in “Healthy Foods”


The Haywire Heart: How Too Much Exercise Can Kill You & What You Can Do to Protect Your Heart

It’s never to early to get children and teens learning how they can stay healthy. Check out these titles and more to pick up on the Bookmobile.

The Cardiovascular System


The Amazing Circulatory System: What Does My Heart Do?

Why talk about Heart Health and Health Literacy?

According to the American Heart Association’s 2017 Heart Disease & Stroke Statistics Update, Heart Disease (including Coronary Heart Disease, Hypertension, and Stroke) remains the No. 1 cause of death in the U.S.

Libraries can help provide literature, such as medical dictionaries, to better help patrons understand the medical terms associated with heart disease. Understanding these terms is part of Health Literacy.

Health Literacy is defined as the ability to obtain, evaluate, and understand medical terminology and other health information so that individuals can make choices to live healthier lives.

Health Literacy is also recognized by the Pennsylvania Library Association’s PA Forward program as a necessary literacy for communities to thrive. In total, PA Forward recognizes five essential literacies which all libraries should support: Basic, Information, Health, Civic & Social, and Financial.

To learn more about the American Heart Association, click here.

To learn more about Wear Red Day for Women, click here.