What To Do With Expired or Unused Drugs?
July 7, 2016
Do you have expired or unused prescription drugs? It’s been found they are easily stolen from medicine cabinets further exacerbating addictions. As a community service we will be hosting a PRESCRIPTION DRUG TAKE-BACK Day at the Abington Community Library. Pills for adults and pets may be surrendered for safe and proper disposal. The disposal service is free and anonymous for consumers, with no questions asked, and will be supervised by Clarks Summit police. Watch for the date!
Opioids are among the most addictive drugs produced and sold on the pharmaceutical market. Many addictions initially start with an injury and the need for chronic pain treatment with an opioid medication. Gradually, as the effectiveness of the pain medication is diminished, the patient seeks higher and higher doses of the drug and before long, he or she discovers that life without the drug is unbearable. Opioids are currently marketed under the names: OxyContin, Percocet, Vicodin, Percodan, Tylox, and Demerol among others.
Get rid of yours at this event! Watch the papers and our Facebook page for details.