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1000 Books: It’s Easier Than You Think

1000 Books: It’s Easier Than You Think

January 11, 2021

Reading Gets Kids Ready for School

Reading 1000 books to your child before he or she starts kindergarten sounds hard, but it’s really quite easy. And it’s also the single most important thing a parent can do to prepare a child for school.

By reading three books a day, you will reach the goal in less than one year. Just 10 books per week means that your child will have heard 1040 books in just two years.

Experts say that you should start early – as early as infancy.

Get started by registering for “1000 Books Before Kindergarten” at any Lackawanna County library. Make library visits part of your routine to choose reading material and to attend library story times with your children. The books they hear at the library count, too.

Lackawanna County libraries have large collections of children’s books to choose from and children’s librarians to help you choose the ones that are appropriate for your child as he or she grows toward school age.

The more books they hear, the better prepared they will be when they start school. Click here for more information and printable logs you can use to keep track of progress.

A PA Forward initiative promoting Basic Literacy