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Reading Adventures Storytime



Young people participating in these activities will be improving their acrobatics through participating in various intelligence-stimulating games.   Young adults, ages 12-14 are welcome to join the fun! Acrobatics meets Thursdays at 5P.M. Contact the library for more details (570-563-2014).


Tech Table

Albright Memorial Library 500 Vine Street, Scranton, PA, United States

Patrons are invited to bring their laptops, tablets, and smartphones to the Tech Table to receive personalized, hands-on assistance with any technology-related questions or problems. Assistance is available for PC, Mac, iPhone, Android, and Kindle devices. Assistance will be offered Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 5PM-7PM. Tech Table takes place in the Reference Department, located […]


Stories with Cal & Newbery

Lackawanna County Children’s Library 520 Vine St., Scranton, PA, United States

Each story time features stories, songs, finger plays, a craft, and a puppet show with either Cal or Newbery!  Story Times are developed with toddlers and preschoolers in mind. All ages are welcome. Please call 570-348-3000 x 3015 to register. Lackawanna County Children's Library 520 Vine Street, Scranton, PA 18509

Teens: Let’s Paint Anything, But a Birdhouse

Albright Memorial Library, Technology Lab 520 Vine Street, Scranton, PA, United States

Join us for a painting session where we provide blank birdhouses for you to transform into something unique. Attendees are encouraged to use the materials to create unexpected designs, letting creativity guide the way. This program is for teens ages 12-18.


Insulin Pump Support Group

Abington Community Library 1200 West Grove St., Clarks Summit, PA, United States

Are you using or thinking of using an insulin pump to manage your diabetes? Talk with diabetics who know. Join insulin pump users with/without a sensor in a group setting to share and talk about your experiences. The group is open to children, parents, and senior citizens who are presently using a pump or are […]

Pottery Workshop- Bird Feeder

Abington Community Library 1200 West Grove St., Clarks Summit, PA, United States

Join us for our rescheduled Pottery Workshop. Experience Pottery will guide you through a fun and creative evening designing your own bird feeder! Afterwards your piece will be taken to the studio for glazing and firing, transforming it into a beautiful keepsake to enjoy for years to come. $25 Materials Fee. For Adults. Registration required.


Families Helping Families

Abington Community Library 1200 West Grove St., Clarks Summit, PA, United States

Facilitators provide an educational series and support group for teens and their families affected by substance abuse. Co-sponsored by the Clear Brook Foundation. No registration required.

Music and Rhyme Wiggle Time

Abington Community Library 1200 West Grove St., Clarks Summit, PA, United States

Adult ASL students will lead Stories and Signs with stories and songs about Valentines Day. Stories, songs, rhymes, and bubbles! For ages birth-2; siblings welcome. Please register.


Toddler Time (Session #1)

North Pocono Public Library 1315 Church St., Moscow, PA, United States

Fridays at 10:00 AM (Children's Programming) Join Miss Elizabeth for songs, rhymes, and stories. This program is recommended for ages 0-3, but siblings are always welcome. Please choose only one 30-minute session to attend as the programs are identical. No registration is required to attend.



Nancy Kay Holmes Branch Library 1032 Green Ridge St., Scranton, PA, United States

Storytime is designed to promote and enhance early literacy skills in your child. We incorporate stories, movement songs, crafts and free play in a way that encourages vocabulary development. Ages 2-6 Stop by or call 570-207-0764 to register for a program. Nancy Kay Holmes Branch Library 1032 Green Ridge Street Scranton, PA  18509    

Music and Rhyme Wiggle Time

Abington Community Library 1200 West Grove St., Clarks Summit, PA, United States

Join Mrs. Burke for songs, rhymes, and stories. For ages birth-2; siblings welcome. Please register.


Toddler Time (Session #2)

North Pocono Public Library 1315 Church St., Moscow, PA, United States

Fridays at 11:00 AM (Children's Programming) Join Miss Elizabeth for songs, rhymes, and stories. This program is recommended for ages 0-3, but siblings are always welcome. Please choose only one 30-minute session to attend as the programs are identical. No registration is required to attend.