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Balanced Meals & Mindful Eating


Stories with Cal & Newbery

Lackawanna County Children’s Library 520 Vine St., Scranton, PA, United States

Each story time features stories, songs, finger plays, a craft, and a puppet show with either Cal or Newbery!  Story Times are developed with toddlers and preschoolers in mind. All ages are welcome. Please call 570-348-3000 x 3015 to register. Lackawanna County Children's Library 520 Vine Street, Scranton, PA 18509


Toddler Tumble Time

Lackawanna County Children’s Library 520 Vine St., Scranton, PA, United States

Join us as we work on skills such as balancing, throwing, kicking, and jumping. We will be using a combination of movement and one-on-one activities for parents and children. For children ages 1-3. Please call 570-348-3000 x 3015 to register. Lackawanna County Children's Library 520 Vine Street, Scranton, PA 18509


Scrabble Group

Abington Community Library 1200 West Grove St., Clarks Summit, PA, United States

Stretch your brain with an afternoon Scrabble match and join a friendly competition against fellow word-nerds. For adults.


Color Me Happy

North Pocono Public Library 1315 Church St., Moscow, PA, United States

Thursday, December 12 from 2:00 to 6:00 P.M. (Youth Programming) Boost your mood and color at the library! All art materials and coloring pages will be provided. All ages welcome. No registration is required.


Kids Time

Dalton Community Library 113 East Main St., P.O. Box 86, Dalton, PA, United States

On Thursdays, children up through age 11 are invited to join our Kids Time program. The program will be a creative Storytime accompanied with various activities such sign language vocabulary along with commonly used phrases and Chinese vocabularly. It will be held on Thursdays from 4:00 to 5:00. If you have any questions, please feel free to […]



Young people participating in these activities will be improving their acrobatics through participating in various intelligence-stimulating games.   Young adults, ages 12-14 are welcome to join the fun! Acrobatics meets Thursdays at 5P.M. Contact the library for more details (570-563-2014).


Tech Table

Albright Memorial Library 500 Vine Street, Scranton, PA, United States

Patrons are invited to bring their laptops, tablets, and smartphones to the Tech Table to receive personalized, hands-on assistance with any technology-related questions or problems. Assistance is available for PC, Mac, iPhone, Android, and Kindle devices. Assistance will be offered Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 5PM-7PM. Tech Table takes place in the Reference Department, located […]

Gift Wrapping Drop-by Workshop

Albright Memorial Library, Henkelman Room 500 Vine Street, Scranton, PA, United States

Do you want to add a special touch to gift wrapping this year, or just need a safe space to wrap presents away from prying eyes? Join us for a drop-in workshop where you can do your holiday gift-wrapping with tips and supplies provided by the library. Simply bring your gifts and drop by during […]

Teen Game Night: Pictionary

Albright Memorial Library, Technology Lab 520 Vine Street, Scranton, PA, United States

Join us for Pictionary featuring your favorite videogames. Bring your drawing skills and gaming knowledge.


Healing Guided Meditation

North Pocono Public Library 1315 Church St., Moscow, PA, United States

*CANCELLED* Thursday, December 12 at 6:00 P.M. (Adult Programming) Join us at North Pocono Public Library for a healing guided mediation led by Howard Thomas designed to relieve stress and pain and promote healing. Registration is required.


Families Helping Families

Abington Community Library 1200 West Grove St., Clarks Summit, PA, United States

Facilitators provide an educational series and support group for teens and their families affected by substance abuse. Co-sponsored by the Clear Brook Foundation. No registration required.


Bridge Club

Abington Community Library 1200 West Grove St., Clarks Summit, PA, United States

Your local ACBL-sanctioned club is more than just a place to play bridge. It’s a portal to a community of bridge lovers learning about the game, honing their skills and forming lifelong partnerships. Please contact facilitator Christopher Stevens at 914-536-3082 for details.