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Nancy Kay Holmes Branch Library


Toddlers on the Move

Nancy Kay Holmes Branch Library 1032 Green Ridge St., Scranton, PA, United States

Join us as we work on skills such as balancing, throwing, kicking, and jumping; using a combination of music, movement, and one-on-one activities for parents and children. Ages 1-3 Stop by or call 570-207-0764 to register. Nancy Kay Holmes Branch Library 1032 Green Ridge Street Scranton, PA  18509


LEGO Crazy

Nancy Kay Holmes Branch Library 1032 Green Ridge St., Scranton, PA, United States

We have LEGOs at the library so just stop by and enjoy some time to be creative and build whatever comes to mind. Ages 4+ Nancy Kay Holmes Branch Library 1032 Green Ridge Street Scranton, PA  18509

Bird Home Makeover

Nancy Kay Holmes Branch Library 1032 Green Ridge St., Scranton, PA, United States

Use a combination of paint and/or natural materials to create your own beautiful bird building! Ages 7-12 Stop by or call 570-207-0764 to register. Nancy Kay Holmes Branch Library 1032 Green Ridge Street Scranton, PA  18509  



Nancy Kay Holmes Branch Library 1032 Green Ridge St., Scranton, PA, United States

Storytime is designed to promote and enhance early literacy skills in your child. We incorporate stories, movement songs, crafts and free play in a way that encourages vocabulary development. Ages 2-6 Stop by or call 570-207-0764 to register for a program. Nancy Kay Holmes Branch Library 1032 Green Ridge Street Scranton, PA  18509    


Toddlers on the Move

Nancy Kay Holmes Branch Library 1032 Green Ridge St., Scranton, PA, United States

Join us as we work on skills such as balancing, throwing, kicking, and jumping; using a combination of music, movement, and one-on-one activities for parents and children. Ages 1-3 Stop by or call 570-207-0764 to register. Nancy Kay Holmes Branch Library 1032 Green Ridge Street Scranton, PA  18509

Birdie Books Storytime

Nancy Kay Holmes Branch Library 1032 Green Ridge St., Scranton, PA, United States

Enjoy a storytime and craft focused on our fine feathered friends. Ages 2-6 Stop by or call 570-207-0764 to register. Nancy Kay Holmes Branch Library 1032 Green Ridge Street Scranton, PA  18509



Nancy Kay Holmes Branch Library 1032 Green Ridge St., Scranton, PA, United States

Storytime is designed to promote and enhance early literacy skills in your child. We incorporate stories, movement songs, crafts and free play in a way that encourages vocabulary development. Ages 2-6 Stop by or call 570-207-0764 to register for a program. Nancy Kay Holmes Branch Library 1032 Green Ridge Street Scranton, PA  18509    


Toddlers on the Move

Nancy Kay Holmes Branch Library 1032 Green Ridge St., Scranton, PA, United States

Join us as we work on skills such as balancing, throwing, kicking, and jumping; using a combination of music, movement, and one-on-one activities for parents and children. Ages 1-3 Stop by or call 570-207-0764 to register. Nancy Kay Holmes Branch Library 1032 Green Ridge Street Scranton, PA  18509


LEGO Crazy

Nancy Kay Holmes Branch Library 1032 Green Ridge St., Scranton, PA, United States

We have LEGOs at the library so just stop by and enjoy some time to be creative and build whatever comes to mind. Ages 4+ Nancy Kay Holmes Branch Library 1032 Green Ridge Street Scranton, PA  18509

An Evening of Scrabble

Nancy Kay Holmes Branch Library 1032 Green Ridge St., Scranton, PA, United States

Do you love to play Scrabble?  Or would you like to try your hand at this classic word game?  Then, join us for an evening of Scrabble at the Nancy Kay Holmes Branch Library. Adults only. Stop by or call 570-207-0764 to register. Nancy Kay Holmes Branch Library 1032 Green Ridge Street Scranton, PA  18509



Nancy Kay Holmes Branch Library 1032 Green Ridge St., Scranton, PA, United States

Storytime is designed to promote and enhance early literacy skills in your child. We incorporate stories, movement songs, crafts and free play in a way that encourages vocabulary development. Ages 2-6 Stop by or call 570-207-0764 to register for a program. Nancy Kay Holmes Branch Library 1032 Green Ridge Street Scranton, PA  18509    


NKH Book Club

Nancy Kay Holmes Branch Library 1032 Green Ridge St., Scranton, PA, United States

Come join us in discussing this month's book selection.  Stop by the library to borrow a copy of this month's selection today. March:  Pretty Girls by Karin Slaughter April:  One Perfect Couple by Ruth Ware Nancy Kay Holmes Branch Library 1032 Green Ridge Street Scranton, PA  18509