Library Closed Memorial Weekend
The Albright Memorial Library, Lackackawanna County Children's Library and Nancy Kay Holmes Branch will be closed Saturday, May 24th to Monday, May 26 in observance of Memorial Day.
The Albright Memorial Library, Lackackawanna County Children's Library and Nancy Kay Holmes Branch will be closed Saturday, May 24th to Monday, May 26 in observance of Memorial Day.
The Albright Memorial Library, Lackackawanna County Children's Library and Nancy Kay Holmes Branch will be closed Saturday, May 24th to Monday, May 26 in observance of Memorial Day.
The Valley Community Library is closed for Memorial Day Weekend.
The Albright Memorial Library, Lackackawanna County Children's Library and Nancy Kay Holmes Branch will be closed Saturday, May 24th to Monday, May 26 in observance of Memorial Day.
Schedule a one-on-one class for technology help by calling the library at 570-489-1765. Mondays and other days available. Celebrating 40 years and proudly serving the Valley since 1985.
A group of knitters and crocheters who meet to create various items that will be donated to local charities.
Stop and see what this amiable bunch of quilters and sewers is up to. Get involved in one of their many charitable endeavors or learn something new. Intermediate members welcome. […]
Adults are invited to join in an enthusiastic group of Bridge players which plays on Tuesdays, 10:00 A.M.-NOON. Don't worry if you're just learning; our players love to teach and […]
Join our group of National Mah Jongg League, INC. players. No experience necessary.
Join Mrs. Burke for stories, songs, and rhymes! Recommended for ages 2-3; siblings welcome. Please register.
Join our Writing Group which meets twice a month to share your pieces and work through any roadblocks you may be facing. Check us out and see if this group […]
Join Mrs. Burke for stories, songs, and rhymes! Recommended for ages 2-3; siblings welcome. Please register.