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Consider Becoming a Trustee

Have you ever wondered who is responsible for the corporation you know as the Abington Community Library? The business and affairs of the library are conducted by a Board of Trustees, which ranges between 15-25 members. Trustees serve 3-year terms and may serve 2 consecutive terms before a 1-year absence is required before serving again if desired. The Board of Trustees makes the rules and regulations, fundraises, and works with the director to plan, implement, and manage a comprehensive program of service to library patrons. If you are an individual looking for a way to give back your ‘wealth, wisdom, and work’ to your community, consider filling out an application to be considered as a future Trustee. The Nominating Committee will be meeting shortly after New Years to consider applications for the Spring of 2017. The application may be accessed at this link: or give the director a call at (570) 587-3440. Thank you!

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