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Government Resources

Government Documents at the Scranton Public Library


“This library is a congressionally designated depository for
U.S. Government documents. Public access to the government documents
collection is guaranteed by public law. (Title 44 United States Code)”

Since 1895, Scranton Public Library has been part of the Federal Depository Library Program.  As a selective library, we choose the materials that will be of interest to our general public in the surrounding counties.  As one of the only Government Documents Libraries in the area, we want to provide you with all the government documents you need, which include State and Local documents as well.  If we do not have the document, we will locate it for you.  If you have any questions regarding the Government Documents Collection, please feel free to ask the Reference staff for help with your questions.

The Government Documents Collection is searchable in Lackawanna County Library System Catalog or you may come into the library to browse the collection.

New Government Information
This section is dedicated to new books, materials, websites about events in the news that you may be interested in knowing more about this information.

General Federal Government Websites – A portal to government information and non government websites, which are searchable by category.  – A site dedicated to children and teachers, which allows you to search for anything the United States, has published for children.  Some examples include health and fitness, and computers.

Ben’s Guide to the U.S Government – An easy to use website for children up to adults. There are descriptions of how laws are made to curriculum for teachers.

Catalog of U.S Government Publications – A website you can use to search for government publications that are in paper and/or electronic.

Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents – Documents produced by the President of the United States

Congressional Record – material produced everyday from the U.S Congress

Federal Register – documents, materials and actions taken by Federal Government agencies

Social Security Handbook  – everything you need to know about Social Security programs and information.

Legislative, Judicial, and Executive Information Websites
United States Government Printing Office’s FDsys  – This website allows the user to search for any laws or other government information presented from the Congress and other government offices.

United States Reports – Opinions and decisions made by the United States Supreme Court

Code of Federal Regulations (CFRs)– We receive print copies of this document. This spreadsheet of CFRs lists the titles and the dates we received them.

Consumer Information
Federal Citizen Information Center   -Easy place to order free government publications about many different topics.

Statistical Information
Census Bureau  – Gateway to statistical information which includes population estimates, economic information, and maps.

Census Data– National, State, and local estimates about population and other statistics.

US Census Guide-Guide to help navigate the US Census and American Factfinder.

USA Counties – contains statistics on States and Counties. This resource has not been updated so please read the information on the webpage.

Other Useful Government Websites
Small Business Administration

Internal Revenue Service

The United States Postal Service

State and Local Information – Official website for the state of Pennsylvania

Lackawanna County – Official website for Lackawanna County

Municipal Information for Lackawanna County

Scranton – Official City of Scranton website

PA Voter Services– Voter registration, voting locations and methods.


These databases and websites are brought to you by the Federal Government. Where noted these databases are only available at the Scranton Public Library Reference Department.

Homeland Security Digital Library-This website/database can be used only in the Reference Department.  It is password protected and all Reference staff have passwords.  This is an open-source website which specializes in homeland security resources.

Public Health Reports– This website/database gives you access to Public Health Reports the official journal of the U.S Public Health Service.

Science Accelerator– This is a free website available from the Department of Energy, which includes science and research and development projects. – A free website which has over 200 million different research pages from the United States government.

Contact Information
Alyssa Loney
Local History and Government Documents Librarian
Scranton Public Library
500 Vine St.
Scranton Pa, 18509
(570)348-3000 ext. 3008