Job & Career AcceleratorCareer Planning & Job Hunting Here is a database that combines everything you need for a successful job search in one easy-to-use website. Research careers, look at job postings, learn interviewing skills. All the tools you need to better your chances in a competitive job market. |
POWER LibraryPennsylvania’s Electronic Reference Library. Find trustworthy answers to questions about healthcare, consumer purchases, personal finances, and much more. Access to newspapers, magazines, journals, historical documents and photos, online databases, and eBooks. |
Learning Express LibraryTest Preparation A comprehensive, interactive online learning platform of practice tests and tutorial courses designed to help students and adult learners succeed on the academic or licensing tests. |
ReferenceUSADirectory of 12 Million US Businesses. Also includes listings for 675,000 doctors and 180,000 dentists, as well as 135 Million U.S. Households listings. |
Pennsylvania Job ResourcesLearn about some new job and career tools for job-seekers and employers. |
Computer Skills CenterLearn new computer skills for popular software such as Photoshop and Microsoft Word or learn how to get started with your computer. |
Careers in BusinessCareers in Business explores a variety of growing fields to help young adults gain a head start in learning about the many career opportunities available for those who want to pursue a career in business. |
Careers in Human ServicesUnderstanding the wide variety of jobs in human services is important for anyone preparing for that career path. Merging scholarship with occupational development, this single comprehensive guidebook provides human services students with the necessary insight into potential careers, and provides instruction on what job seekers can expect in terms of training, advancement, earnings, job prospects, working conditions, relevant associations, and more. |